Library The FEMA library is under construction, so please come back regularly! A Annual report: FEMA annual report 2019 Annual report: FEMA annual report 2020 Annual report: FEMA annual report 2021 Annual report: FEMA annual report 2022 B C Commuting: Survey results 2023 D E European elections 2024: The motorcycle manifesto (ACEM, FEMA, FIM) Emissions: Survey results 2021 F G Guardrails: Safe barriers, a literature study (by SMC Sweden) Guardrails: New standards for road restraint systems for motorcyclists, designing safer roadsides for motorcyclists (by FEMA) H Historic vehicles: Securing the future of our motoring heritage (by EPHVG) Historic vehicles: Results from FEMA’s survey on historic motorcycles (FEMA, 2022) I Injuries: Study on serious road traffic injuries in the EU (European Commission, 2016) ITS: Survey on new safety technologies for motorcycles (FEMA, 2019) ITS: Self-driving cars: what to think of them from the perspective of motorcycle safety? A closer look at the technology that is supposed to make riding safer (by FEMA/MAG NL) J K L M Mobility: FEMA’s Mobility test 2014 Mobility: FEMA’s Mobility test 2017 Mobility: FEMA’s Mobility test 2019 Mobility: FEMA’s Mobility test 2021 Mobility: FEMA’s Mobility test 2023 N O P Position papers (FEMA, FIM Europe, 2022) Q R Research: Riderscan Road safety: European Agenda for Motorcycle Safety (by FEMA, 2009) Road safety: Extreme behaviour on two wheels is mainly about illegal riding (by SMC Sweden, 2016) Road safety: Improving infrastructure safety for powered two-wheelers, a position paper (by FEMA and ERF, 2018) Road safety: Motorcycle safety & accidents in Europe – a summary report (by FEMA/MAG NL) Road safety: Skid resistance measurements and motorcycles (by FEMA, 2018) Road safety: The Motorcycle Vision 2.0 (by SMC Sweden, 2014) Road safety: Slipperiness on contaminated road surfaces (by SMC Sweden, 2017) Road safety: Safer roads for motorcyclists – Moving towards a systematic approach for motorcycle safety (by FEMA & SMC Sweden, 2023) Road safety: Road surface friction and motorcycling (by FEMA & SMC Sweden, 2023) S Sound: The results of a survey on road closures & motorcycle noise (by FEMA, 2018) T Training: Initial Rider Training Project U V W X Y Z Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share Send email Mail Print Print