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FEMA represents motorcyclists in Europe and is fully funded by membership fees and donations. FEMA is completely independent and we do not receive any financial support from governments or from Europe.

Through the membership fees and donations by motorcycle clubs and businesses, FEMA is able to have an office in Brussels, and employ two people that work hard to make sure the motorcyclists’ voice is heard.

Businesses can support the FEMA work by becoming a corporate supporter and paying a minimum contribution of € 250 per year. Of course you are more than welcome to donate a higher amount! This will greatly help FEMA’s work on behalf of European riders.

Corporate supporters that pay a minimum of € 750 per year receive all the advantages mentioned above, but can also place an advertisement (with a link to their own website) on our website that will be visible on every individual page and news item.

Are your customers motorcyclists? Then your business should support FEMA, the only European citizens’ organization that actively protects, preserves and promotes motorcycling!

As Corporate Supporter you will have visibility on the FEMA website, including your logo and link to your website, you will receive a certificate in recognition of your support, and you will be able to use the ‘Corporate Supporter of FEMA’ logo.

Does your business or organization want to become an FEMA Corporate Supporter? Just send us an email today with your details and we will give you all the information you need to make the payment and support our good work!

Of course we are always open to discuss any other form of support you could give to FEMA.

PASS+CO is the oldest German manufacturer of steel barrier systems. PASS+CO offers a full suite of Vehicle Restraint System (VRS) products, including the first German, fully tested motorcycle protection system.

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The Trans Euro Trail® is a cultural dirt road adventure from deep within the Arctic Circle to the doorstep of Africa… and back. Created by our community. Provided for free.

Visit us at
