Mission & policy MISSION STATEMENT FEMA’s purpose is to promote, protect and preserve motorcycling. FEMA’s mission is to promote riders’ interests and defend riders’ rights throughout Europe and globally. To achieve that: FEMA calls for official recognition of the positive aspects of motorcycling as practical transport, addressing social inclusion, reducing congestion and limiting the take-up of land for transport use. FEMA promotes the positive recreational aspects of motorcycling, particularly touring as a healthy, skilful and adventurous way of travelling which benefits communities and individuals through tourism throughout Europe. FEMA calls upon all official bodies and government departments in Europe to make generous positive provision for motorcycle-based transport and recreation in policies, planning and legislation. FEMA accepts that road safety is important and that it is the shared responsibility of all users, vehicle manufacturers, authorities and those responsible for the infrastructure. We promote and call for positive motorcycle-based measures rather than discouraging motorcycling. FEMA will seek to maximise its membership, comprising European national riders’ rights organisations which have interests, policies and principles consistent with those of FEMA, to ensure the best possible representation for all motorcyclists. POLICY STATEMENT BACKGROUND The Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) is the representative federation of motorcycle (comprising all powered two-wheeled vehicles) users throughout Europe. FEMA represents the interests’ of citizens’ national organisations at the European Union and agencies of the United Nations. FEMA’s primary objective is to pursue, promote and protect the interests of motorcyclists. FEMA recognises that motorcycles have different characteristics from other vehicles and emphasises the need for motorcyclists’ specific requirements to be addressed. The statements made in this document are summaries of policy arrived at according to current knowledge. This document is intended to be a ‘living’ document which will change as and when it is necessary in order to reflect current circumstances. ACCESS TO ROADS FEMA promotes and defends the considerate use of all public roads by all motorcycles. We oppose restrictions to motorcyclists’ rights of way and all bans which prevent motorcyclists from using public roads. ANTI-TAMPERING MEASURES FEMA supports users’ rights to make modifications to their motorcycles providing they do not compromise their safety and impact on the environment. We support the right of users to customise motorcycles to their tastes and to perform regular maintenance which anti-tampering measures are unjustifiably trying to curtail. AWARENESS AND LICENSING FEMA recommends that awareness of motorcycles and mopeds becomes a compulsory element in all initial training and licensing for all vehicle groups. We oppose the discriminatory imposition of motorcyclists’ age limits for motorcycle access, which are not in line with those for equivalent classes of cars. CHARGES FOR ROAD USE FEMA seeks to promote motorcycle use by obtaining exemptions for motorcyclists from road pricing schemes imposed in addition to existing vehicle taxation and from congestion charging, in particular. We call for the appropriate and equitable inclusion of motorcycles in national or pan-European road pricing schemes should they replace current taxation schemes (such as fuel duty and fixed charges to use roads) for motor vehicles. DISCRIMINATION FEMA opposes all discrimination towards motorcyclists. ENFORCEMENT FEMA calls for the equitable treatment of motorcyclists in the enforcement of the law. We support active policing believing that automated enforcement is no substitute. We accept the enforcement of existing noise and emissions limits as preferable to measures that reduce these limits further. ENVIRONMENT FEMA encourages the use of motorcycles for personal mobility and recreation as such use has a smaller overall impact on the environment than that of any other mechanically powered road vehicles, using fewer natural resources and creating less traffic congestion. We support manufacturers working to reduce negative effects which motorcycles may have on the environment without adversely affecting efficiency. We support the efficient recycling of used motorcycle parts, currently practised in the EU, without unnecessary restrictions. EXTERNAL AGENCIES FEMA will ally itself with other organisations to pursue the interests of motorcycling, providing these alliances do not create conflicts of interest with the rationale of riders’ rights. We will maintain regular contact and engage appropriate national motorcycle organisations in Europe and the rest of the world; the United Nations, EU institutions, national governments, international motorcycling organisations and all other bodies which are directly involved in motorcycling matters. We will not enter into agreements that in any way constrain, restrict or dilute FEMA’s ability to pursue its primary purpose. FISCAL INCENTIVES FEMA supports fiscal measures which promote motorcycle use. INFRASTRUCTURE FEMA calls for authorities responsible for the infrastructure to become more motorcycle aware when planning and building road layouts, street furniture and repairs. We encourage motorcyclists to make highway authorities and contractors aware of their legal responsibilities towards motorcycle safety. We support the development and implementation of European standards based upon best practice guidelines to make the infrastructure more motorcycle friendly, for appropriate scheduled maintenance and repair and for the regular update of these standards. INITIAL TRAINING FEMA believes that structured, relevant and cost-effective initial training should be available to everyone taking up motorcycling and supports initiatives that require instructors to demonstrate their competence. We call for government support in providing safe areas to undertake initial training and initiatives to improve rider training at all levels. We only support the imposition of changes to the motorcycle test upon European member states when they are proven to produce a road safety benefit. We support the freedom of member states to adapt testing procedure as appropriate to local conditions providing they do not discriminate against motorcyclists and are proven to enhance road safety. We support the provision of voluntary post-test training. INSURANCE FEMA calls for fair and accessible insurance for all motorcycles and motorcyclists. INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS FEMA calls for the needs of motorcyclists to be taken into account during the design, development and implementation of ITS-based traffic management systems to ensure that motorcycles are not excluded by default. We oppose any ITS which takes control from the rider. We support the development of ITS-based information systems suitable for motorcycling applications. We oppose the use of ITS for the purpose of unwarranted surveillance. NOISE FEMA opposes any unjustified reductions of Type-Approved noise levels. We encourage riders to use exhaust systems approved for road use. PARKING FEMA calls for sufficient dedicated motorcycle parking provision to match current and future demand to be provided by regional and local authorities and that it should be secure and free of charge. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FEMA encourages the voluntary use of personal protective equipment and clothing appropriate to the environment in which they are employed. We oppose any requirements for the mandatory use of such equipment and clothing. POWER LIMITS FEMA opposes the introduction of power limits for motorcycles. RIDER AND VEHICLE CONSPICUITY FEMA recommends that the compulsory use by motorcyclists of conspicuous clothing, daytime running lights or headlamps in daytime should be subject to the discretion of national governments. We support the principle of subsidiarity regarding the mandatory use of conspicuity measures to other vehicles such as day running lights which should be left to the discretion of national governments. SPEED LIMITS FEMA calls for speed limits to be appropriate and not to apply only to motorcyclists rather than all classes of vehicles. STATISTICS AND RESEARCH FEMA encourages the production of statistics which truly reflect the risks attached to motorcycle riding. We oppose any motorcycling safety legislation based on shallow and flawed research. We encourage and, where opportune, take part in objective pan-European research into the causes of motorcycle accidents subject to scrutiny to ensure that such research is not flawed or biased. We seek to ensure that safety planning recognises motorcyclists as vulnerable road users and that cars are a substantial cause of motorcycle casualties. We call for information on motorcycle casualties to be expressed by rate of exposure as well as by number in order to reflect levels of motorcycle use. SOCIAL INCLUSION FEMA advocates the use of motorcycles as a means of enabling individuals to seek employment and education particularly when alternative transport is not readily available. TAXATION FEMA calls for the removal of the large differences in purchase tax within Europe which create an unjust market for its citizens. We continue to call for national governments to be enabled to reduce VAT from the standard rate for personal protective equipment and security equipment for motorcyclists. THEFT OF MOTORCYCLES FEMA supports sustainable initiatives which better protect motorcycles from theft providing riders are not subject to costs which are a barrier to motorcycling. We encourage governing bodies of competitive motorcycle and motor sport to promote regular checks to discourage the use of stolen motorcycle parts with appropriate action taken against offenders. We encourage the investigation of the extent and nature of motorcycle theft in Europe in order to understand the problem and to enable the exchange of sound and effective advice between riders’ organisations, industry and authorities. TYPE-APPROVAL FEMA supports the application of Type-Approval regulations which help to remove barriers to trade, but opposes such regulations where restrictions are placed on an individual’s ability to modify motorcycles. We support national single vehicle approval which allows the approval of one-off specials, vehicles from limited production runs and those built for non-EU markets. VEHICLE DESIGN FEMA encourages the advancement of vehicle design. We will aim to monitor the quality, price, performance and design of motorcycles, components and accessories as of considerable importance to the safe use of motorcycles. FEMA Policy Statement as adopted 4th February, 2006 Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share Send email Mail Print Print