Filtering on a motorcycle is now legal in France Member news January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Filtering through a traffic jam on a motorcycle has finally become legal in France. After 26 years of fierce fighting this already well-established practice is recognized. French motorcyclists’ organisation FFMC - a member of FEMA - calls it ‘A major step forward that marks a decisive step in road sharing and
Icelandic motorcyclists start fundraiser for better road maintenance Member news December 20, 2024December 20, 2024 The Icelandic motorcyclists' organisation BLS have launched a fundraiser for their Road Administration (IRCA). It is meant to be a positive way to raise awareness about the huge deficit that Iceland has accumulated in regard to road maintenance. BLS is collecting cans, bottles and other recyclables in partnership with the
Swedish motorcyclists happy with stop on electric roads Member news December 6, 2024 The Swedish Transport Administration stops investment in electric roads - Swedish motorcyclists want more investments in road maintenance. The Swedish Transport Administration has decided not to invest in a major expansion of electric roads in Sweden, as it is not economically viable with today's conditions. Rapid development of battery technology has
Discussing motorcycle safety with Norway’s transport minister Member news October 21, 2024October 21, 2024 The leadership of Norwegian motorcyclists' organisation NMCU - a member of FEMA - had meetings with key figures in the Norwegian government. Chairwoman Olea Kvalsvik and CEO Arild Lind had the privilege of sitting down with the Minister for Transportation, Mr. Jon-Ivar Nygaard, and the leader of Parliament’s Committee for
Norwegian motorcyclists: road markings will lead to safer roads Member news October 14, 2024October 14, 2024 Norwegian motorcyclists’ organisation NMCU had the opportunity to engage with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and posed an important question to the Director of Roads: would they consider implementing road marking as a trial project in Norway? To NMCU’s delight, the Director responded positively, expressing a keen interest in exploring
Swedish riders: ‘electric rails are dangerous for motorcyclists’ Member news July 15, 2024July 15, 2024 A Swedish test with an electric rail to charge vehicles while they drive is leading to a lot of questions from motorcyclists. For five years there has been a light rail on Getingevägen in Lund. The rail has provided power for electric buses that are charged when the bus comes close
Norwegian motorcyclists: will motorcycles still be allowed on bus lanes? Member news July 4, 2024 The Norwegian national road administration wants to make it easier for heavy traffic on the E6 towards Oslo from the north and south by turning several bus and public transport lanes into heavy traffic lanes for buses and trucks. The same measure is also being considered from the west on
Denmark: new and tougher efforts against illegal motorcycle parts Member news June 21, 2024June 25, 2024 Measures like an immediate driving ban or exhaust systems that are confiscated, that’s what is happening to motorcyclists in Denmark who get caught with non-approved equipment on their bike. Here is an article by Danish motorcyclists’ organisation DMC (a member of FEMA), warning riders. “We have recently received reports from Danish motorcyclists
Spanish riders and the transport ministry work for motorcyclist-friendly guardrails Member news June 7, 2024June 7, 2024 Juan Manuel Reyes, the president of the Spanish motorcyclists’ association ANM - a member of FEMA - held a meeting with Mr. Álvaro Navareño, Technical Director of the General Directorate of Highways and his team. In this meeting, work was done on improving the criteria for installing Motorcycle Protection Systems
Free motorcycle parking in designated places in Oslo Member news June 6, 2024June 6, 2024 Norwegian motorcyclists’ organisation NMCU - a member of FEMA - is very satisfied with the new political government in Oslo that created free parking spaces for motorcycles. Back in 2016 the old government decided to close down the free parking spaces for motorbikes in the town, despite intensive complaints from the