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Sweden: COVID-19 leads to less public transport, more motorcycle trips

In Sweden motorcycle use grew during the COVID-19 pandemic, while use of public transport halved.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused big changes in the way people in Sweden travel, both for work and for leisure. Travel in Sweden decreased by 13% in the period March 2020 – August 2021, compared with 2019. It is mainly travel to school and work that decreased, but leisure travel also decreased by 15%.

Travel by public transport has been halved in this period. Transport by bicycle, moped and motorcycle has increased, while transport by bus and car and on foot has decreased. The increase for motorcycles is five percent, for mopeds one percent and for bicycles 21 percent.

Swedish motorcyclists’ organisation SMC hopes that the increasing travel by motorcycle and moped will continue. These are smart vehicles that contribute to reduced congestion and great durability.

Sources: Trafik Analys & SMC

Top photograph courtesy of Husqvarna

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