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In memoriam: Rene Hilbert, one of FEMA’s founders

Rene Hilbert from Luxembourg, a true friend of motorcycling, has passed away. He lost his life in the middle of October in a motorcycle accident in Iran, when he was hit by a truck.

Rene was one of the founders of FEM in the late eighties, and he was also one of the persons that were strongly involved in the merger between FEM and EMA in 1998. After that he was a member of the FEMA Committee for many years, where he represented LMI Luxembourg. Beside that he managed his job for Luxembourg State, where he, amongst other tasks, created the new education system for new motorcyclists.

He loved the long trips on a motorcycle, and he has traveled all over the world, but especially the Far East was his favorite. Rene was very open minded, and he always saw the best side in the people he met. Rene is survived by his girlfriend Anne, who was injured in the accident, as well as his sister and brother in Luxembourg. Our thoughts go out to them.

May he rest in peace.

Written by Hans Henrik Jørgensen (DMC Denmark)

Rene Hilbert (r) during a break in a FEMA Committee meeting in September 2004 (photo by Wim Taal).